Umami Seminar in London 2019
August 2019

On August 19, 2019, A culinary event was held for Japanese cuisine chefs in London by Japanese Culinary Academy UK, which takes as its principle objective the promotion of greater understanding and interest in authentic Japanese cuisine.
The event was attended by 50 persons including chefs of Japanese restaurant and journalists.
Dr. Ninomiya, UIC director gave a lecture of umami basics to a room full of participants.
Other guest speakers, Chef Daisuke Hayashi, the vice-chairman of the Academy and Sachiyuki Wada from WadaQ Inc. also gave interesting talks about dashi stock. WadaQ is a katsuobushi manufacturer which has a production plant of katsuobushi in Spain.
It was a valuable opportunity for the participants to learn about umami, also about the importance of dashi and good dashi ingredients from the Japanese experts.