The "World Umami Forum" was held in New York, USA
September 2018

The World Umami Forum (World Umami Forum) was held in New York, USA for two days from September 20, 2018.
This forum was organized by Ajinomoto Co., Inc. in corporation with The Glutamate Association, International Glutamate Information Service and Umami Information Center to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the discovery of the fifth taste "umami" this year (2018) and to dispel misinformation about MSG (monosodium glutamate), a typical umami substance, and to disseminate correct knowledge about it to the world.
The forum brought together the experts in food, nutrition, history and behavioral science to deepen the understanding for umami and set the record straight about MSG.
Dr. Ninomiya, a director of the Umami Information Center, participated as a leading umami researcher. She gave alecture “Training Yourself to Identify Umami" including tasting six samples - dried tomato, aged cheeses, vegetable soups with and without MSG, etc.
The event was covered by a number of media outlets, and many participants shared their positive opinions about MSG on SNS, such as " The old negative headlines are based on one badly done study. MSG is a non-issue.” and " A 2:1 ratio of MSG to salt to sprinkle on food for ‘crazy good’ flavor and reduce sodium. "