Umami Luncheon Seminar at the joint academic conference for the 25th Japanese Society of Oral Diagnosis/Oral Medicine and the 22nd Japanese Society of Oral Medicine"Discover umami taste:The stomach also detects this 5th basic taste"
October 2012
A few years have passed since it was scientifically proven that the receptors for umami exist not only on our tongue but also in the digestive system.
In addition, the salivation inducing effect of umami is also starting to be understood in the clinical field.
We have obtained a chance to give a lecture by Dr. Ana San Gabriel of our center was held in a Luncheon Seminar sponsored by Ajinomoto Co., Inc. on September 21 in order to communicate the accurate and the latest information of umami to medical personnel, including dental practitioners The contents of the lecture, which lasted for almost 1 hour, were extensive.
It started with the explanation of the basic knowledge of taste, followed by the ability of umami to induce salivation and the report that umami substances are directly connected to the daily medical work of the participants, such as the presence of umami receptors in stomach that might modulate protein digestion, etc.
The talk went on to cover the history of the discovery of umami, basic molecular information of the umami substance "glutamate", various functions of umami such as its importance on dashi and how umami changes the taste properties of soups in addition to the reference of the synergistic effect of nucleotides when mixed with glutamate, which are also related umami substances (inosinate/guanylate).
After the lecture participants tasted vegetable soup with and without umami seasoning to experience the sensory effect of glutamate and inosinate.
Many participants felt the effect of umami seasoning while comparing the taste of the two soup samples.
In the Q&A session, Dr. Shoji the chair, asked a question regarding the secret to making dishes with a lot of umami.
In response, hints for daily dietary habit were also provided, such as using ingredients with a lot of umami and enhancing umami by using umami seasoning if the dish lacks overall taste balance, etc
Umami Information Center will continue to provide the accurate and the latest information of umami through various opportunities in the future.
To understand exactly what kind of taste "umami" refers to, it is very important for all participants to have the same experience. Therefore, UIC always makes sure to include sampling of food and beverage during lectures. In order to understand that the taste is different from the other 4 basic tastes, experiencing umami provides new realizations and recognitions regarding umami to participants in a number of different scenarios.